Are you entering a new phase of your life and planning to move to a different municipality? Congratulations on this exciting step! Moving can involve quite a bit of hassle, especially when it comes to administrative paperwork. But don’t worry, with this blog and the help of De Meubeltaxi, we’ll make 'what to do when moving to a different municipality' a breeze.
Registering with the New Municipality
When you move to a new municipality, the very first thing you need to do is register with that municipality. You usually do this within five days of your move. Your new municipality will then ensure you have access to all necessary services and facilities. De Meubeltaxi can schedule your moving day to give you all the time you need to complete this registration.
Deregistering from the Old Municipality
Good news: you don’t need to deregister from your old municipality. By registering with your new municipality, you are automatically deregistered from your previous one. It’s that simple!

Reporting Moving Documents to the Municipality
You can report your move either physically or online to the municipal administration. This information will then be updated in the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP) system. To register your moving details at your new residence, you will need to provide the following documents:
- An official ID (such as a passport or Dutch ID card)
- Proof of residence (such as a purchase agreement, rental agreement, or a declaration of consent from the main resident)
In the past, you had to wait in line at the municipal counter to report a move. This is no longer necessary. Your DigiD is your digital key to many government services, allowing you to easily update your address online. You can manage this through the DigiD app or website.

What to Arrange When Moving to a Different Municipality
Municipal Taxes
When moving to a different municipality, you need to register with the new municipality for the following municipal taxes:
- Waste collection tax
- Sewerage tax
- Property tax
- Dog tax
Each municipality is different; some may require you to pay taxes in advance, while others may charge them afterward. You can request a refund from your old municipality for any excess payments. From the moving date, you will pay these municipal taxes to the new municipality. For more information, visit your new municipality’s website.
Water Board Taxes
The Netherlands is divided into 22 water boards. When moving to a different municipality, there is a chance that your new location falls under a different water board. You will automatically receive the bill for any remaining costs from your old municipality. Any extra amount you pay will be refunded at the end of the year.

What to Do When Moving Within the Same Municipality
If you are moving within the same municipality, you still need to report your new address so that all municipal documents reach you at the correct address.
Changing Address Within the Municipality
This can often be done online through your municipality’s website using your DigiD, or in person at the municipal office.
Een verhuizing naar een andere gemeente vraagt om een goede voorbereiding en het afwerken van een administratieve checklist.Moving to a different municipality requires good preparation and completing an administrative
Are you about to move and wondering 'what to do when moving to a different municipality'? Whether you are moving within the same municipality or to a new one, De Meubeltaxi can assist with every step. Contact us for advice, support, or request a quote for your hassle-free move!